Monday 6 February 2017

Meghalaya Warns ASTA For Those Rooftop Luggage Tourist Drivers Caught In the Jinx With Assam Police

Acting on the annoying complaints lodged by the tourist drivers who were charged unfairly by the Assam police patrol and MVIs (Motor Vehicle Inspectors) the Meghalaya government warned to cease the act by forwarding a letter to the Secretary of Assam State Transport Authority on 31st January.

It is not even a month after the launch of the new transport regulation by Assam Joint Commissioner of Transport, the reports of harassment outcry by public and drivers of Meghalaya have far increased as the penalty imposed is too heavy from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2000.

This practice of implementing fine on Meghalaya tourist drivers for carrying luggage on rooftop by MVIs and Assam police, the state government has warned to the neighboring state transport authority to put a stay on this order as its people are unnecessarily facing harassment.

According to P.M Sangma, Secretary, Meghalaya State Transport Authority this act by the government was initiated after the joint plea from its Sumo Owners and Drivers Association to stop the unfair means of penalty on lightweight luggage carriers. 

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