Thursday 15 September 2016

Ideal Plant To Grace The Premises Of Home Is Cactus Night Queen

Writer-Annie Borah

If something like starlit with ecstatic smell that can lit the night is Night Queen or Epiphyllum Oxypetalum in botanical term or famous Dutchman's pipe cactus in Britain.

This queen of the night plant which white flower petals spreads out like the pointed nails in large cup size from a single elongated leave of it is quite nostalgic to view.

Thorn less cactus species this night queen flower plant rarely grows and blooms in all premises where it is planted. This cactus of night sadly wilts the next dawn along with its ecstatic aroma.

Joy Of Blooming Night Queen
Since all Cereus blooms at night so it is also termed as night-blooming cereus. But what could a better nature’s gift be as depicts in the picture.

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