Wednesday 13 July 2016

Photography a Growing Passion and Profession for Northeast Youngsters

Photography is a kind of career that does not teach you initially how to capture image, it is out of natural curiosity people learn to operate the device, where many youngsters of Northeast are driven to perfect their skills like the professionals.

Today in India and global there are ample of recognized photographers from Northeast, acknowledging this best photography institutes have come up in Northeast to boost the skills of talented by providing financial aid including edge knowledge.

Youngsters today, can apply online for photography course by filling up the form through National e-Scholarship Portal at Dusty Foot Production. Students of Northeast who are in their college and university levels can also apply for the course simultaneously along with their present one. 

Certain photography projects based on people biodiversity, environment and wildlife sectors are annually conducted by Dusty Foot Production. This film and communication resource agency provides exposure to budding minds on how to create video documentary including general photography skills on the particular field. 

Green Hub a Dusty Foot Production initiative is to drive skill photographers to highlight on environment and conservation issues in digital layouts. So that it helps people to educate on crucial factors of nature that impact directly to human habitat.

To encourage students to take the course more seriously rather than an entertainment session to satisfy one’s passion, only selective candidates are annually chosen for the Green Hub fellowship. Provide video documentation training and refer for intern work under conservation departments to the credible ones. Main objective of Green Hub initiative by DFP is to allow their candidate to influence each area as a representative work by communicating digitally the reality of one’s community.

DFP strongly believes that they can bring change in the society by training candidates from each state to communicate issues through digital medium. Green Hub Fellowship is granted under the belt of DFP, educates on works that do not represent solution on particular matter and to resolute neither as reporting work on certain issues. But focus on effective digital presentation of indigenous people’s voice and knowledge in-depth on the community that each Green Hub fellow represents. 

In 2015, Green Hub Video was recognized for effectively creating motion picture on how local people and forest officials diverted successfully a herd of elephants that intruded in human habitat. Immediate initiative to avoid electrocution though electricity, a herd of elephants mislead into the town of Tezpur, Assam was bravely handled by the local and authority to a safer exit. This digital medium is getting into people’s apprehension that this is the best way to circulate stories of ordinary folk in their own voice.

For online search contact:
Form Application:

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