Tuesday 16 May 2023

Mocha's Might In Four Nations Beyond Scientist’s Imagination

Might of Mocha the invisible super cyclone that ever on earth felt on the unfortunate Sunday 14th May that made its severe impact on the four south east nations like India, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Scientists and metrological sophisticated equipments failed to estimate Mocha’s super power. Mocha has devastated Bangladesh, Myanmar and India especially with higher intensity. Mocha reveal to have nuclear power intensity impact.

Developed at the base of southern region of India encompassing Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal, that is close to the proximity of Andhra Pradesh state before Mocha in larger form directed towards the eastern region. First time in Northeast India a cyclone with strong wind ramped with severity. Manipur and Mizoram reported to highly affected by Mocha. Rain of Mocha could intensify pre monsoon rain. Sittwe Port which India had recently made economic transaction with Myanmar is severely affected by Mocha. Myanmar history it is a never ever experience with a cyclone of mega intensity like Mocha.


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