Monday 2 May 2022

Is the BJP Government Aware About The Woes Of People In Waterlogged Areas?

This water logging is a serious threat to the city system as the issue has multiplied in highly concrete areas where free flowing water of the rain cannot move to the large reservoirs as water remains stagnant but the BJP government which had witnessed the issue several times during their rule still not aware about plight of the sufferers.

Simply the drainage system is not maintained though Assam has advanced during the BJP rule but serious common problem of the economic area if could not be settled what’s the point of giving bigger dreams. In the name of development if basic requirements of the public is not met how economically the Guwahati will grow. Yesterday rain has taught a big lesson will the GMC invest on overcoming this biggest hurdle that public of the Guwahati city undergoing and dilapidating the entire waterlog scenario. .


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