Monday 21 October 2019

Assam Tea Industry Edges Technologies To Retain Its Favorable Market

Assam Company India Limited  (ACIL)in the attempt to survive its market takes on to sophisticated technology to reinvigorate its production through implementation of hi-fi drone technique for secure medicinal spray on its crop, marking system for identification, safe mode for tracking to improve its strategy to meet the requirements of the current market.

ACIL including many tea estates of Assam in the attempt to excel and meet production including quality of international demand, joined with foreign companies from USA, Australia and Israel to position effective model to derive desired outcome result and boost state tea industry.

Currently ACIL is in the attempt to overcome monsoon flood’s devastation that and so has joined with BRS venture to bring in marking system to track in tea quality of all 


Arunachal Pradesh’s New Cost Effective Mode To Drive Education

Innovative in approach to compact various situation Arunachal Pradesh is first to take school on wheels to drive students with suitable learning environment by transforming an unused bus to school classroom to cut down land and infrastructure cost.

It does not means that there is no essence in school values in this bus concept education system as it interestingly provides all school materials with more exciting features to drive instant children interest to get started with learning.

This government driven innovative and exciting school primary education concept is fully applauded by the public of Thowang district village to overcome poverty challenges.


2019 NE Book Fair To Attract Top National Domain Film Personalities, Journalists And Writers

It is in the attempt to gear up more interactive sessions with students and influential personalities in all sphere the idea to attract more top influential people from all national domains was evolved by the organization of 21st North East Book Fair that is the All Assam Publisher and Book Sellers Association (AAPBSA) In Guwahati city at the Assam Engineering Institute field.

To support this noble educational objective even publishers of all major metro domains will contribute in this aspect including foreign nation Bangladesh by staging major stalls of above 200 at NE Book Fair 2019.

Interestingly this 12th day event will have beautiful environment for book readers with additional benefit of getting felicitated by the organizers of the NE Book Fair for fetching Assamese dialect books of Rs. 10, 000 worth including other enjoyment various cultural programmes on the list.


Thursday 17 October 2019

Demand For Sound Scientific Process Before Subansiri Project Gets Further With Green Signal

No doubt Subansiri project again wins favor to continue its half done job but the anti-group against it has threatened to halt its processing if substantial scientific security measure are not brought to public ground as beneath the dam lies a huge low lying residential area where one accident can bring down the entire population of Gerukamukh of Assam.

2,000 MW power project the Lower Subansire Hydro plant under NHPC Ltd. is  a giant initiative that  stands right in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh border at Gerukamukh, positioned high above a huge population of the state where AASU Assam  Student’s Union) and All Assam Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) anti-dam groups feels any futuristic accident and release of excess water of flood can doom the livelihood of its low lying people. Unless assured scientific layout of the Subansiri Power Project process is brought publicly the anti-group against it threats to bring down the entire construction process.


Kolkata With Assam Ready To Boost State’s Start Ups By Driving Potential Investors

Assam has potentialities in various start up business categories but what is pulling down state's talented entrepreneur bunch is due to lack of investor’s approach to achieve desired marketing aspects but expectation are high with region’s first own Sartup incubator ‘The Nest’ who in integration of IIM, Kolkata are planning to open up vast investors network.

‘Investment Hours’ concept has been built by the integrated group to hack out investors looking for promising starup business provider.


Angel Comes To Support Assam's Satrtup Objective!

Indeed an Angel’s entry is required to boost financially the pool of talented startup providers in Assam. On the latest Indian Angel Network body from Mumbai is setting up major eye on investment as detailed by Manjula Saikia Bhuyan an IAS based Additional Secretary of Industries and Commerce department of Assam.

The Angel Network investors looks quite promising where legal documentation of the Mumbai company is concerned and eagerly looks forward for its Assam Angel Network version in the state to bring hope to innovative based business minds of this Northeast state. 

But apart from Indian Angel Network from Mumbai there are more potential players in investment secctors in India like like Unicorn India Ventures, Social Alpha and many more in the list who seeks Northeast Assam a potential destination for investment.


Piyush Goyal Assures Safe Scientific Initiative Of Subansiri Project To Calm Agitated Groups Of Assam

The mega decades old Subansiri Hydro Project has started certain portion of its construction which has triggered agitation of the local anti-group against it to which the Minister Piyush Goyal has assured to fulfill public’s demand for proper scientific probe to avert futuristic risk of the low lying population below it and without which the completion won’t take place.

According to the Minister Piyush Goyal once the technical experts give green signal after thorough assured scientific analysis that satisfies people’s confidence, any kind of work would  not further process at the  moment. In contradiction if the government of Assam fails to meet the demand of the anti-groups against the Subansiri Hydro Project for the fear of water disaster then KMSS and ASSU groups’ leaders promised to force out the workers from further carrying out the project.


Wednesday 16 October 2019

Radha Govind Baruah On His 119th Birthday Could Have Set A Greater Assam

On 17th October the great legendary figure Radha Govind Baruah was born and if he continued to stay till his 115th Birthday today it would have been a different chapter but still state is celebrating this moment and glorifying his versatile contribution to give dimension to new modern Assam.

Today from major sports complex to international airport of Assam is labeled under his name. But if he continued to stay so long today we might have seen a new state with more edge in cultural growth and development aspects.

From institutions to big political platform where not the great iconic figure of Assam Radha Govind Baruah’s influence caters, making this day on 17th October a big moment to celebrate by reviving his essence that he has left. A Big Salute to his memory on his birthday.


Guwahati Gears Up Seven Days Mahatma Gandhi Exhibit To Blaze The Trail Of His Esssence

Sonoram High School field of Guwahati is blessed to take this opportunity to exhibit India’s Iconic figure the father of the Nation ‘Mahatma Gandhi’s every essence that lead to nation’s glorified moment of ‘Independence’ from decades of British Raj or regime.

It is to bring the patriotic moment in every citizen of the state not just on special date and occasion but to help live his essence on continued basis so that the aspects of humanitarian values, brotherhood and integrity remains to lead the nation united and towards progress without failing in Kindness which was Mahatma’s greatest asset.

It is a great privilege for every patriotic and tourists to know more about India through historical background flashback as highlighted in this event as there will be genuine handwritten stuffs of Mahatma Gandhi, pictures depicting his life in abroad and flip book are to be displayed. Apart from this visitors will be privileged to view exclusive ethnic eight dance forms in its five hour Dance Marathon in the attempt to uplift Northeast’s vibrant cultural aspects.


Filmfare Awards Ceremony To Add New Shine To Assam Cine World?

Now this declaration of new initiative by India’s most top sought award event organizer The Filmfare Awards to satge its next years’ event in Assam is not only a national waking factor but a shine to Northeast Cine World no doubt there is unexplored opulent talents here.

But it is too early to ring the bell as changes to this decision could occur at the end time also. Zubeen Garg’s films like ‘Mission China’’ 2018 and latest ‘Kanchanjungha’ 2019 had been rocking not only in Assam region but also in entire India and abroad. Now what impresses the members of ‘Filmfare Awards’ committee to seek their next grand positioning out of Mumbai base is quite tricky to estimate so soon on their decision? No matter this decision by the Filmfare committee of Bollywood to heat up the entire scenario in India as which state would become jealous for the favored bestowed on Assam?


Tuesday 15 October 2019

International Trade Fair Guwahati 2019 Widens Market Horizon For National to State Stalls

Shopping is a greatest affair in Northeast rather than product and service marketing where international platform like International Trade Fair Guwahati 2019 by Assam Trade Fair Association at its Base in capital city Guwahati at Maniram Deewan Trade Center brings added opportunities to explore more exciting stuffs.

Interestingly the colors of light following from the grand Durga Puja festivity continues at this beautiful platform as the visitors could feel the essence of it in this mega trade fair event of Northeast as it potentially adds more charm to shoppers mood. 

Crowds are annually getting larger as this season of October month is scheduled with major events where everyone can tap on their desired items to gift others and brighten up this Diwali with grandeur. International stalls have increased from last year’s figure, giving more rooms for customers to derive their desired items at much beatable price.


Mizoram Finally Adds More Wings To It!

GoAir economic flight service operation has added more hopes to Mizoram air travelers to connect direct to Guwahati International Airport for easy networking for national to international flights with launch of two flights.

Presently, GoAir is to schedule its flight services by connecting direct flight to Guwahati from 8:50 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. for the local people of Aizwal capital city of Mizoram with return flight services from Guwahati to Aizwal  from 6:50 a.m. – 7:50 a.m.

Finally the state’s Chief Minister has accomplished his most pivotal dream to help regional people relish more air networking as it is crucial in economic development of the state and faster communication to cover greater distance. 

Moreover Go Air is an economic base airline as its direct route flights are of budget oriented price that is at Rs. 2,798 starting for initial boost of its launch.


What Makes Rare Burmese Snake Sneak In Residential Area Of Guwahati Metro?

Leaving natural habitat of it a rare python species identified as Burmese snake had crawled in human zone at the heart of Assam’s capital metro city Guwahati at a Residential Apartment of Bamunimaidam area.

The forest department people who had immediately arrived at the spot after being informed by the apartment people were amazed to find a 9.9 feet and 11.3 kg weight Burmese snake that is famous for its beautiful skin. It has been identified by the local people that the snake has peek into human zone for easy prey as hilly habitat of it could not provide enough meaty sources.


Long Pause In NEEPCO Pipeline Repair And Acidic Water Finally Let To Mega Water Burst

On the latest investigation to the (North Eastern Power Cooperation) NEEPCO pipeline burst tragedy where its four employees are still missing even after many days of the accident are detected to be due to increase of acidity in water that damage to the pipes and lapse in reinstallation of new pipeline that is to be done after every 23 years according to legal terms.

Today it is NEEPCO which is bearing the major burnt as due to burst of water pipeline of Kapili Power Project at Umrangsu has affected its major properties apart from major damages to nearby residential areas.


Monday 14 October 2019

October 15TH Is Near Uneducated Working Class Still Struggling For Voter ID Rectification

Machine generated fault Voter ID Card is giving tough time to the uneducated working class in entire Northeast as they are confused how to make online application for rectification of error.

The reason simply because there are many places remote from internet facility in entire Northeast where even indigenous people with error in machine generated voter ID card are not even aware about Central notification on October 15th last date for its update.

Uneducated working class people are estimated to come up with dues in their Voter ID Card Update as they don’t have the ability to catch on the term rectification of previous error in their card since they cannot read the printed faults on it not to talk about the easiest online approach in their nearest café for processing updates. This uneducated working category people do not get enough time to understand and process rectification as their hard way of leaving cannot afford to follow cuts in their daily money matter.

Female domestic workers feels quashed with too much of legal issues, their biggest hurdle was citizenship NRC update which took much of their time. Now adhaar update, adhaar and pan link up for income group, ATM update and Voter ID rectification challenges have hyped their tension to follow up deadline as they are uneducated and being poor money matters for all. Pollution test update was the hardest lesson as it came during Durga Puja peak hours.


Guwahati Regional Science Center Emphasize On NE’s Expressive Outlook To Relate Technical Factor

World of science has been struggling technically to common men’s understanding and its target group where Northeast innovative minds have encountered the hardest challenge in it, analyzing this bottom line factor the ‘Regional Science Center’ is to launch ‘North East Zonal level Science Drama Competition 2019’ at its base in Khanapara, Guwahati capital city, Assam.

It will be the greatest opportunity for the young creative intellects to relate their matters easily by presenting their project and exposing their talent but if any team representing its state wins at ‘North East Zonal level Science Drama Competition 2019’ in Guwahati then they will be privileged to enter the next biggest National Level Challenge. 

The National Science Drama Competition in Kolkata and get a break to be with the best of India’s talent in this category in this challenge and edge their talent that meets global standard. Documenting science innovation is an art that requires lots of talent to communicate in dramatic way to capture big markets and desired target group.


Favorable Dry And Slight Monsoon Spell Of October Month Posing A Boon To Kaziranga Tourism

Follow up of flood devastation in 2019 this year has left tourists in questionable position whether it will be wonderful venture soon after the end of July flood but were restrained by restoration process as losses were huge and is quite a relief now with fair indication from the Kaziranga authority waving safe invitation for its  large scale of visitors.

Annually the Assam authority makes large scale of investment in Kaziranga National Park where flood devastation cycle has intensified its expenditure so as its dues in its development process. Currently the government under state tourism department is processing for different strategies to overcome losses and damages to Kaziranga Park’s environment (that includes its flora and fauna including geographic condition due to erosion threat).


Thursday 10 October 2019

Dry Rivers Of October Month Pose Threat To Proper Idol Immersion And To Ecosystem In Assam

Pandals are too many in all over Assam in Northeast to entertain people during four days grandeur Durga Puja festivity where due to it state’s capital city poses greatest threat to its eco system as the rivers of dry October month become shallow, making it difficult for idol immersion.

Idols are huge and if 400 plus pandals or mandap carries four to five clay idols then it would multiply in huge numbers, making state’s shallow rivers of dry October month difficult to swallow it quickly. Resulting people to wait for days to immerse their idols on time but what greater threat people do not realize is that the rivers that carries water for drinking purpose becomes contaminated due to emitted colors  from the idols apart from slowing down water current for normal reach to the people.


Brahmaputra Banks Now Holds Durga Puja Fever After 4 Days Rituals Of Festivity Is Over

It is strange but it is true that how after the 4 days end of grand Durga festivity, the fever of this beautiful moment continues but the fact is that people of most pandal communities in Guwahati city, Assam are kept waiting till their turn comes late and return back to follow next day for immersion.

The ratio of idols with time have become huge which is a pang for shallow rivers to carry away the wave of idols without which action the authority does not allow rest waiting group of pandal communities to perform their timely rituals.


People Running In Vehicle During Durga Puja Paid A Hefty Price Where Assam Police Enjoyed The Moment

New traffic law’s Heavy fine implementation has not only kept abnormal vehicle movements at bay but also havekept owners on toes to procure pollution test certification to restrain from heavy penalty but still preys came in hand of Assam Police to implement fine on those violating laws.

Especially the rash drivers during puja had to undergo through heavy penalty under the new traffic clause as they could not resist speed to escape crowd and traffic signals. Four days time the Assam police has garnered Lakhs plus fine from faulty drivers, now that is a surprise bonus gift from authority to the traffic regulatory body.

Especially it is the young drivers of Guwahati city who have become the victim of the new law under the Assam Traffic Control body as they do not pay time on effective pollution program and hinder cautious steps to avoid penalties. 


NEEPCO Fears More Threats As Situation Go Out Of Their Favor

The North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO) with lack of immediate help and expected financial assistance from the Centre fears that the situation of water pipeline burst at its Umangso division to help generate electricity in Kapili power station that was erected way back in 1976 is to go out of hand.

During Durga Puja asthami (eight day) on October when the water pipeline from Umangso hills was lead to burst during three people team inspection on annual repair schedule. Tragically the remains of the inspection team are yet not found after this accident which NEEPCO official confirms. 

Now what leaves NEEPCO company under pressure is that the forceful intensity of water sprouted from the damaged pipe is fast loosening the soil and creating threat of huge landslide to the Umrangso hill, driving out people in the area in panic for shelter and security and with more loses to its properties. 

Power Station is partially damaged and fears that the wide spread electric towers covered zone to collapse if the flooded speeding water is not taken into control by NEEPCO. The Bhakra Nangal Dam team of experts is expected to arrive soon to handle the situation but still the future is estimated to be bleak. Last year NEEPCO conducted its pipeline repair work but the present ill-fated incident claimed to have occurred due to accident but not out of their negligence. 


Tuesday 1 October 2019

Mahatma Gandhi On 2nd October Is Remembered As An Epitome Of Swaach World

Legendary freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi of India who glorified by making country independent from British Rule without bloodshed as he was the first leader to do so and influencing billions today for peace on earth is also an epitome of Swaachata or clean environment when world is fighting against growing pollution threat, remembered with reverence on his Birthday today on 2nd October internationally for the bright way he had shown for the human race.

Today Prime Minister Narendar Modi as a reverence to Mahatma Gandhi's simple clean example on his birthday to set mark in India by taking the greatest toxic burden from earth by putting a ban on plastic bag usage and 200 ml drinking bottle. 

Essential large scale trading purpose for goods' safe packaging plastic will be allowed. There will be implementation of heavy penalty with jail on third penalty if caught violating plastic usage rule in public. Now that's head reeling to end in one day one's habit but this time penalty will train us as in New Zealand.


World Elders’ Day Is Effective Or Mock?

Truth is clear as we see the streets with elderly people late in their seventies roaming with daily pressure workload, no doubt today 270 branches of the Assam Senior Citizen’s Association observed ‘World Elder’s Day’ at the Pensioner’s Bhawan at Chandmari in Guwahati wherein course of time people have become conscious towards elders.

Fact is that huge queue of Pollution Test Centers in Guwahati do not spare even elders in seventies standing for hours as the staff cannot go against their norms, else the longstanding frustrated public would not spare them.

In certain situation of 2-3 kms queue, frustration counts and people cannot help to control their humanitarian temper to allow elders to take their privilege at pollution centers. Actually before launching any strict order the authority of the state should understand if elders are entering into the zone if it is so then it should be under pressure where such people should be allowed in special category to save them from exhaustion and panic. There are many cases where elders are remaining alone with children abroad or distanced.


Tripura Supreme Court Challenged Against Its Own Decision To Save Its Animals

There has been strong resistance towards sacrifice rituals in entire Trantric or Shaktipeeth based religious platforms in India where Tripura’s Supreme Court’s strict order against it has been challenged by state’s strong groups of ritual performers.

Adamant are the followers of sacrifice ritual in Tripura that even under Supreme Court’s strict order against this gory traditional system, the famous Tripureshwari temple devoted to Shakti deity observed 100 animal sacrifice rituals on new moon day last week on Saturday as the manager of it defended this bold act that no instruction on ban came from Gomati, Additional District Magistrate.

It seems Gomati district’s responsible temple authority and the Magistrate are avoiding to reveal the truth by throwing blame on each other as P.L Chakma Additional District Magistrate stated has not received any such strict instruction on sacrifice ritual ban from Tripureshwari temple trust nor from the state revenue body. 

Even the government seems to be shaken to follow up Supreme Court’s order by revealing that larger group’s sentiment are attached to this million years old tradition and so SLP (Special Leave Petition) will filed at the apex court to take this sensitive issue in detail and careful outlook such that it does not provoke the situation in the attempt to secure animal rights in the attempt to come out with proper decision.