Monday 5 August 2019

Sahitya Akademi To Enhance Literary Activities To Safeguard Language

Sahitya Akademi at the recent literary programme promised to safeguard the culture and language of various existent communities through frequent literary activities and help drive the Bishnupriya Manipuri literature to a greater crowd.

It was at Silchar College venue in Assam on 2nd August the Sahitya Akademi organization had jointly staged this literary programme with the Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Sahitya Parishad and Assam State Committee (NBMSP_ASC) to secure dialect by popularizing literary works of credential writers.

The main objective of Sahitya Akademi in staging such literary event is to intrigue more younger genre into this art of literary and engage them powerfully in this drive of mission further ahead.


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