Tuesday 16 July 2019

Meghalaya Government Brings In Employment Opportunity Through Skill Programs

Marking the ‘World Youth Skill Day’ in Meghalaya’s capital city U Sosoi Tham Auditorium to drive in youths to employment opportunities with arrangements of numerous stalls for latest updates on employment loops through various training programs.

Under government sponsorship various skill training providers from varied parts of India participated in the event to guide Meghalaya youths on their talents and help them find matching skill programs related to Healthcare General Duty Assistant, Welding, Plumbing, Painting, Poetry, Hospitality, Pottery, Fashion, Handloom and Weaving plus many additional fields.

According to the Chief Guest, Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong it is only the best mode to help the local youths to get geared up for their futuristic goals to make a better livelihood.


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