Thursday 18 July 2019

Flood Relief Centers In Assam Should Be Extended

People are there to help financially and in all best possible ways to provide help but there many people who are tied down to their duties and health due to which cannot make attempt to far distance centers and so the necessities of more flood relief centers are required.

Nabakanta Pathak and Bhaben Saikia who are elderly citizens, residing n Khanapara zone stated, “Some people had stated that there is a flood relief center at our base in Khanapara but when we  walked down to search for the place it was not a worth attempt. We need more accuracy in details so that in someway we can help our state in some way when its people are in risk.”

Beena Boro a mother of three stated, “It is our duty to serve the state but still we want a nearest destination flood relief center as our time is precious and with three children it is difficult to travel far in Guwahati. I know I won’t be of great help but whatever I can do financially will go ahead for my people.”


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