Thursday 11 July 2019

Central Government Likely To Open A New Highway Chapter In Assam After Monsoon

Monson 2019 has its sever impact in major states of India but not likely as in Northeastern region, every network have been hit hard by incessant rain brought down by unpredictable coastal clouds near to Bay of Bengal proximity.

Since Assam is an economic gateway to all the landlocked Northeast regions, the central government has taken a major initiative to improve all highways making quick enroute to all the eastern states. Business activity especially transportation has hit hard with skyrocketing price tag on all essential items imported in major bulks.

Public woes are that the existent tattered roads are now taking to pool shape with overflow of flood water and accumulated rain water, Borgohain a Tinsukia resident stated, “We fear the rising flood in Assam do not take away the existent NH lifeline connecting essential places in entire NE and central places of India. Although most broken paths have diminished taking the form of paddy field.”


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