Wednesday 19 June 2019

Assam Government’s Aim To Make Organic Products More Accessible, Hit Success?

Public in general are aware what is latest happening in the market and quality food stock availability where organic food centers are countable in Guwahati city excluding local tribes with fresh stocks from various regions NE, now will the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) government be able to make it big difference on this chapter after its second term regime is a big question?

Now the Farmers Producer Company (FPC) under Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region has added a new retail outlet to ensure more customers inflow with competitive better price apart from quality food delivery.

Atul Bora the Assam Minister of Agriculture, Horticulture and Food Processing during the facelift of a new organic outlet at Panjabari Road in Juripar of Guwahati capital city had added hope when he highlighted to intensify more retail outlets for greater access with a beatable price to drive in more people to go for healthy organic concept.  There is one more famous organic outlet at Panjabari Road  just before the new outlet known as Bipanan Khetra Hyper Market which is giving good business.

FPC’s implementation of organic development scheme as highlighted by Horticulture and Food Processing Department’s official, Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahanta is getting on to a positive note with progress on process.


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