Thursday 7 March 2019

On Futuristic Move Against Liquor Deaths Handy Affordable Kit Will Be Provided To Test Liquor Quality

On a futuristic note after the hooch tragedy in Golaghat district Assam Government has initiated steps with the Department of Excise to ensure that the consumer are allowed to access at any retail outlet of liquor with affordable test kit to detect quality of liquor before consumption.

Partnership under National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) of Pune that is associated with Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) the Department of Excise is to erect modern chemical lab in Assam to produce an affordable handy liquor testing kit.

This lab project is Rs 4 crore worth which will be built under the financial support of ASPFIR (Assam State Public Finance Institutional Reforms) that is backed by Finance Department's World Bank to ensure NCL Pune comes up with the best liquor testing lab to help produce cost effective test kit in the market and for government based inspection agents in Assam. 

To market the idea in the public for healthy lifestyle in liquor consumption group in the society the kit will be availed by the liquor outlets and the Excise department’s field staff including NGO’s and police.


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