Friday 8 February 2019

Assam State Government Mulls On Buying Rs. 1Lakh Biometric Device Instead Of Tablet

First time in India the centre is ready to bear such a huge cost for public purpose to clear suspicious and faulty input of NRC data through sophisticated GPS technology based 38 Biometric devices worth Rs 1,00,000 plus each instead of tablet device proposal as it cut time cost and helps deliver efficient output.

This Biometric device with GPS signal enables Assam Police's on spot field investigator to capture details, documents and images that are immediately processed to the server connected in the headquarters in real time. Location, longitude and latitude are configured in the device efficiently to minimize loss in fast verification of suspicious identity.

It took three months time for the Border Organization to identify such useful device for fastest and easiest correction of faulty NRC report of 950 foreigners held in their detention center. According to the Border Organization the estimated bear cost of each device is Rs 1,00,000 over as it collects effectively all data which is beyond human capacity to deliver and process immediately to the server for verification, cutting huge amount of time.

The Border Organisation has initiated to have their own database for processing information to other varied departments for clear verification about their detainees and for easy tap on migrants through this world class technology on citizenship identification.


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