Sunday 3 February 2019

Assam Government Brings State’s Economic Players to Make Budget Preview for Effective Implementation

First time in India, Assam had topped in budget layout among rest states of the nation which is based on best version of state’s economic players.

Prior to the release of State’s budget the Chief Minister Sonowal had initiated a Citizens Budget to get written version from various representatives of economic strength to make an effective layout of it as they are equally responsible in building region’s future.

Assam CM Sonowal has for the first time had made an innovative approach in preparing a budget to community’s best interest with brainstorm of ideas from representatives of key economic groups like farmers, entrepreneurs, industrialist, small tea growers, educationist and others to script India’s best stated budget.

First of its kind the state government has initiated to script an inclusive state budget with feedback from people at varied ground level.

According to the Deputy Commissioner Narayan Konwar all the major to minor economic key players were approached to add their valuable insight if it help to give a turning point to the budget and improve its clauses for its effective implementation.

Farmers, entrepreneurs, professionals, industrialists, elders, educationist, small tea growers and other state revenue providers were given papers to chart next state budget to surface crucial criteria to reborn a potential budget through this draft copy. Since it is people’s right to direct a budget that comes under society’s norms without any bias outlook of party members.

Remarkable move has been made by Assam government for the first time to draft in pre budget layout through release of Citizens Budget to the public as an awareness campaigns in its 17 districts.  

Assam occupied the top slot in the ranking of state budget with best practices followed by Andhra Pradesh and Odisha states. According to Transparency International’s analytical statistics Assam secures the top slot in budget formulation from rest of the leading state as it is inclusive of four parameters like post budget fiscal management, public disclosure, budgetary process and efforts in transparency and citizen friendly. If the groundwork is good then state’s economy could pace up better.


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