Friday 4 January 2019

UFO’s New Year Greetings To Manipur!

Strangely for the second consecutive time of new year beginning an UFO similar object was witnessed by the people of Manipur in different places, the question is it a special greeting from the outer world to the state’s people.

It is not only in Manipur but in entire Northeast there are untold stories of UFO visit, especially Arunachal and China border area accounts highest intervention of strange outer objects in the sky as narrated by soldiers patrolling in the area. More than 100 times flying saucers’ visual in the sky were witnessed by the Arunachal and China border people but when sophisticated radar system was used to track its move, failed to record it as it was made of undetectable materials.

There are stories pouring in from entire Northeast states of India with high record of UFO witness from past 2017 to 2018 where even Tripura state had witnessed an illuminating round shaped flying object’s suspicious movement in the dark sky on 24th October, followed with second UFO incident in 3rd January. In Dibrugarh district of Assam a female social worker had captured a flashing flying object in the sky on her canon camera during the arrangement of flood relief work.


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