Sunday 6 January 2019

Food Corporation Of India's Fair Price Deal With Tripura Farmers

The Tripura government with Food Corporation of India (FCI) is to make a fair direct deal with paddy farmers to procure 10,000 metric tons of grain without the intervention of any third agent or broker for proper distribution through the Public Distribution System.

To uplift the deteriorating local grain market due to poor deal of price by third party the FCI team with support of the government will directly purchase food stock from the farmers. To avert chances of exploitation by the third agent like the traders and middleman. In the economic history of Tripura this is the biggest move made by the government in association with FCI where Education Minister Ratan lal Nath  thinks this is not the biggest move to garner greater revenue from paddy farming but farmers will be getting fair share of price than the previous year.

Expects every Gao-Panchayat to take active initiative to deliver paddy stock to the collection centers to ease farmers' burden and help them to concentrate more in productivity by the Minister Ratan lal.

Currently FCI team has successfully procured 3200 metric tons grain stock from various destinations of paddy sources of Tripura in the initial phase and determines to achieve their target soon by 10th January, 2019.

Chief Minister Biblap Kumar Deb on the launch of this drive on 15th December 2018 is quite positive about the outcome of this mission to boost farmers into paddy farming and has initiated necessary steps for greater revenue from it.


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