Wednesday 7 December 2016

Meghalaya, Northeast Among Other States To Witness Low Graph In Crime Rates

Among many states of India, Meghalaya, Northeast shows relief with graph of lower crime rates after nationwide imposition of demonetization when black money posed to become a greatest threat in dosing more militant activities in the state.

But this has literally stirred the militant groups of India to strike war against the government. Cross border Pak war is also estimated to be the impact of demonetization in India for subsiding militant activities. Rates of kidnapping and extortion in Meghalaya and nationwide have dropped.

Group active in state’s economic growth showed relief with ensure of lower crime rates for smoothing their function. Economic backbone of Meghalaya, the commercial Garo Hills region has witnessed the boon of surgical strike on black money. Higher risk in illegal money deposit in banks is estimated as such activity is under strict scan of Income Tax, crime patrol and others.

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