Sunday 24 July 2016

Malaysia MH370 and India AN-32 Dissapearance Finds Similar Cause

NASA Satellite captures magnetic field image in multiple lines which resembles streamlines in flowing fluid.

Malaysia Airline Flight MH370/MAS370, 2014 and India Defence Flight AN-32, 2016  missed from the similar spot, Indian Ocean which lift question is there a fluctuating whirlpool like in Bermuda Triangle zone.

Last in 2014, if we recollect the Malaysian government noted, "The final location determined by the satellite communication is far from any possible landing sites, and concluded that "Flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean."

What could so clearly erase the flight's remain and why radar signals went off suddenly from both flights? These questions stirs in science and geographic circuits, leading to possible conclusion of unseen magnetic field created whirlpool that sucks or graviates object powerfully as in Bermuda Triangle.

Somewhere we have missed the mystique power of nature, the intensity of spiral electric current causing magnetic field and sudden whirlpool. The tunnel created in magnetic field zone by spiral electric current on ocean, releases electro magnetic interactions. Sucking in above water surface objects like metallic built flight powerfully into its mouth. Once the tunnel is concealed by ocean water and levels up with the flowing water, it becomes difficult to trace the debris and remains of the destroyed flight materials.

Let's see science prespect on magnetic field action on various levels.

The Earth's magnetic field is attributed to dynamo effect of circulating electric current which is not constant in direction. Earth’s rotation plays a crucial role in amplification of electric current that triggers the intensity of magnetic field. Release of magnetic effect produced from electric currents give result to magnetic field.

Everyone knows that objects at close proximity of earth gravitate to its surface due to magnetic force emitted from its core area. Now where exactly magnetic field exist, according to geographic analysis horizontal lines at the magnetic equator of earth indicates exist of magnetic field. The equatorial anomaly lies 20 degrees above magnetic equator. 

The geomagnetic field builds horizontally at earth’s equator. It is due to horizontal presence of geomagnetic field at equator triggering eastward current resulting equatorial electrojet that rises 3 degrees above the magnetic equator.

Now what is magnetic spin?

According to the scientists combined force of electric charges and elementary moving particles responsible for creating magnetic spin. Scientists have traced that electromagnetic tensor is an outcome of electric and magnetic fields fusion.

The spiraling caused by the Coriolis force has the intensity to create separate magnetic fields that are roughly aligned in the same direction. Its combined effect can produce one vast magnetic field that could engulf the planet.

Quantum Physics Perception

Leads to the insight that due to exchange of photons develops electromagnetic interactions, eventually creating electromagnetic field on earth.

In everyday life, magnetic fields are most often encountered as a force created by permanent magnets, which attract and repel ferromagnetic materials such as iron, cobalt, nickel and magnets.

Modern technology emphasizes on magnetic field, particularly in electrical engineering and electro mechanics this concept is used. Rotating magnetic fields are used in both electric motors and generators.

But earth naturally produces its own magnetic field, which is important in navigation as well as in shielding its atmosphere from solar wind. As per scientific observation it is found that electric currents created in sunward ionosphere could be traced approximately 20 degrees of the magnetic equator.

Magnetic fields surround electric currents produced on water surfaces like ocean, sea and other large water bodies but the magnetic intensity is felt more at the circulating electric currents in the earth's molten metallic core. Thus the magnetic field magnitude measured at the surface of the earth is about half a Gauss.

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