Sunday 12 September 2021

95th Birth To Eternity Bhupen Hazarika To Shine For Generation To Generation

Dr. Bhupen Hazarika a rare musician born on earth with a sole purpose to serve through his multiple talent to express best about socio-political and environment issues that still persist.

Bard of Brahmaputra that Bhupen Hazarika is recognized is immortalized through his song ‘Manuhe Manuhor Babe’ that still remains as a strong motivational power at times when state’s integrity is threatened.

Breaking the pandemic norms this year 2021 people immersed to celebrate Bhupen Hazarika’s 95th birth anniversary at ‘Bhupen Hazarika Samadhi Kshetra’, Jalukbari in Guwahati, the AASU members lighted 95 earthen lamp on this auspicious occasion.

This is one of the big moment when top politicians to artists and cultural organizations comes together to lit this special occasion of such a personality that could be mentioned as once in a while comes to ignite the society and become people’s voice.


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