Sunday 18 July 2021

Guwahati Municipal’s Unplanned & Disastrous Warfootage

May be Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) did not get weather warning and their each attempt seems to be devoured by the Rain God when they were engrossed in warfootage to keep the city unclogged from flooding water.


Monsoon still yet not gone, GMC has forgotten to clear off the drain garbage from the roadside, making it miserable for the people entrapped in waterlogged areas, as the mined out garbage makes its return in the campus of every household.

 Just a heavy spell is enough to make the dry areas appear like a running lake or high current river, now that’s a pitiable sight if rightly Guwahati metro had to be entitled. Sunday evening 18th July’s heavy downpour, Dispur connected major areas appeared like black river with floating drain garbage.

Guwahati Metro seems to be pooled in under yesterdays’ rain with swollen up drains, throwing out freshly dug out dirt into the low lying areas. Forcing out people to the high land areas and leaving them homeless. May be next time GMC needs good timing with rain God to set war footage in drain clearance.


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