Friday 26 March 2021

Assam Forest Man Warns Drastic Negative Changes If Nature Neglected

Dr Jadav Payeng the Assam’s ‘forest man of India’ who holds prestigious Padma Sri Awardee has urged the young community to procure environmental education to eradicate the abnormality of nature, simultaneously dedicating themselves in the welfare of the countrymen.

According to Payeng hard lesson learned from COVID 19 lockdown to go organic and produce food and vegetables to cut shortage of food. Payeng emphasize on the essentiality of water conservation to save natural vegetation.


Payeng the environmentalist was privileged to sign in an agreement with Fundacion Aztec, a Mexican non-profit organization that highlights social responsibility. Apart from collaborative environmental works under this Mexican non-profit organization Payeng will undertake plantation of 40 million trees covering 8 lakh hectares in Mexico in the North American country.


In addition Payeng the forest man of India suggested youngsters to avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides uasage in agriculture activities as today due to usage of it has posed highest health hazard and is adversely affecting the eco-system.


He suggested all barren lands, wastelands and drought prone areas need to be protected for the survival of the future generation. Natural forests in Assam and other NE States are rich in biodiversity including medicinal plants which could be saved by more plantations of plants and saving the existent greenery.


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