Thursday 11 February 2021

Indian Railway New AC Tier With Luxurious Toilet Challenge Greater Ride Experience


Indian Railway challenges corers race to help experience exquisite ride in their newly introduced 3 tier AC economy coaches with modular touch for luxury experience while seating or being in refreshment room that is competitively closer to flight ride.


Best part Indian Railway is planning to make 3 tier AC economy class berth at an affordable range so that exquisite class of riders experience quality ride on land with benefit of free food on sloth distance wise process which no travel provides.


Flexibility and easy access features like light point for reading, recharge point, food stand and staircase for convenient climbing including toilet features for more pleasurable ride are the attractive part of AC 3 tier Railway coaches.


Point is that after corers expenditure by Indian Railway authority for posh berth experience is there a monitor to retain its cleanliness? Else immense effort of Railway authority will go in vain as such AC berth is as an easy access to multiple influx of varied people that no one can restrain.


Monday 8 February 2021

Assam Fest Trends With Eco Concept For Green Future

Recently in various Assam fest the eco concept  is witnessed to be trending to bring out mass education on nature’s value for safe planet and green future where latest two day Eco Tourism Festival 2021 in Azara at Chatargaon that is one hour distance from the heart of Guwahati was launched by the Directorate of Plain Tribes and Backward Classes with state government’s support.


Prior to it Guwahati had launched “Ek Bharat Shresta Bharat” a Northeast cultural festival with essence of eco concept of entire Northeast region. But Eco Tourism Festival 2021 stresses much about eco system and values for safe planet where various features concluding to nature was introduced.


Ongoing Eco Tourism Festival 2021, Azra, Assam witnessed various tribes and international tourists enjoying the joyful moment with activities followed like trekking, cultural function, games and food contest. Tourism department of Assam is going innovative way in reaching out to greater mass to educate and engage in nature awareness programs to preserve nature and authentic values of the state. Recent Chamoli, Uttarakhand Glacier burst tragedy be a lesson how to prioritize Eco concept lead fest like Eco Tourism Festival 2021 and many varied fest headed with nature preserve concept in and Northeast.








Thursday 4 February 2021

Kerala Can Give Competition To Assam Foot Bridge


Yes, it appears true Kerala is not lacking behind as their technology is high with bigger capacity foot bridge whereas Assam public is least aware how it affects state tourism by littering dirt and tobacco spit marks on the newly launched two bridges.


Just not a day break of the launch of Guwahati's superior design and high tech foot bridge  when spit  and dirt marks were seen mopped out by maintenance workers, this irresponsibility of public affects state’s tourism that nobody ever imagines. Since this is very casual to do for public in Assam.


This ultra foot bridge with lift and escalator combo for comfort of citizens is first to be initiated in India and so it is the pride of Assam which is beyond certain public concern. Tourism department should also initiate certain measure to retain the beauty of the newly launched footbridge as lot transact through it to sight view panoramic beauty of Guwahati metro.


Brindabani Bastra Essence If Revived Through Recreation Can Assam CM Sonowal Bring The Original?


It is quite challenging for current Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal to fulfill his promise to bring lost Brindabani Bastra essence of Srimanta Shankar Dev from million distance land in Britain but it is more challenging to create a team of professional youngster to enhance our culture and in retaining lost traditional values by launching Majuli University of Culture


If not for Covid-19 today Assam CM Sonowal would have been happy to launch the biggest measure taken in recreation of Brindabani Bastra with a mass team of handloom craftsmen under Majuli Satra head but now he has advanced greater move with launch of Majuli University of Culture in Bongaon for even greater cause.


This government initiative as narrated by Assam CM Sonowal is a big hope to take Assamese cultural values to the next level in Global platform through prepared professionals from Majuli University of Culture in Majuli’s core centre at Bongaon. Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal ensures greater support to the students involved in this cultural academic program under Bongaon, Majuli University of Culture with more attractive infrastructure and facilities. But can this future professionals restore government’s biggest dream to bring back original Brindabani Bastra situated now million distances from Assam in Great Britain?


Tuesday 2 February 2021

Natural Gas Is The Next Fuel Trend In Assam And Rest Northeast To Strengthen India’s Global Rank


It has been witnessed that India is coming up to the level of other global economic nations trending in natural gas production to strengthen its economy where in Northeast, Assam is trying to pace up in this sector as it has immense potency to improve.


Today in America the Electric sector is going in natural gas way to meet high demand of supplement in various industrial sectors especially. US today rely 36% on Natural gas for the purpose of meeting further fuel demand for greater chemical, fertilizer and hydrogen production.


Currently Natural gas is meeting the demands of various sectors like industry, electric generator, automobile, agro, pharmaceutical, fabric and domestic region as bet for best fuel option to rely  for its production.


Reportedly US has witnessed 3% in its consumption out 92% fuel consume in the country whereas India is competitively trending with 2% usage with expect of 10% by 2025. Assam is recently concentrating on further improving natural gas production to help India strengthen its global position as it today ranks 14th on international status.


In entire Northeast, Indian OIL is planning to explore natural gas in potential resources like Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram including Assam. Currently Assam Oil is trending with 3.3 million metric tons (MMT) annually with daily production of 8 million metric standard helping citizens to conserve fuel and limiting crude import.