Indian Railway challenges corers race to help experience exquisite ride in their newly introduced 3 tier AC economy coaches with modular touch for luxury experience while seating or being in refreshment room that is competitively closer to flight ride.
Best part Indian Railway is planning to make 3 tier AC economy class berth at an affordable range so that exquisite class of riders experience quality ride on land with benefit of free food on sloth distance wise process which no travel provides.
Flexibility and easy access features like light point for reading, recharge point, food stand and staircase for convenient climbing including toilet features for more pleasurable ride are the attractive part of AC 3 tier Railway coaches.
Point is that after corers expenditure by Indian Railway authority for posh berth experience is there a monitor to retain its cleanliness? Else immense effort of Railway authority will go in vain as such AC berth is as an easy access to multiple influx of varied people that no one can restrain.