Tuesday 3 September 2019

Mizoram Use Toxic To Wage War To Save Its Green

In an unique attempt to wage war against pollution and increase toxic in Mizoram’s river bank area the government has challenged to reuse its waste polythene and plastic materials that have changed it to a dumping area, mixing with road construction materials to build potent road near to it.

It is with an environment committee the Mizoram authority has dared to take this huge challenge to beautify its landscape river side area for enjoyable moment instead of escaping from it due to stinky and ugly outlook.

To enhance and transform Chite Lui bank a "Save Chite Lui Co-ordination  Committee" headed by the Lalnunmawla Chuaungo, the Mizoram Chief Secretary had instructed that the plastic  based materials be all  segregated from the garbage ground by the bank and elongate a road from it using it in the mixture of construction materials to diminish the pang of destroying it instead. 

Chite Lui river bank once recollected as a beautiful landscape beauty of Mizoram is now destroying state’s image due to fast transformation of it as a garbage ground. Construction of green road is again reviving the locals’ hope to enjoy once relished flashback enchanting moment of Chite Lui bank. 


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