Monday 10 June 2019

NFR Paves Way Through Guwahati Railway Station To Save Money Through Solar Power

Guwahati Railway, Assam is the first railway station under Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) to go fully on solar power by harnessing energy from the sun of about 1,140 kWp to 41 stations after implementation of this project in 2018.

This will help state power agency APDCL evidently to cater sufficient power supply in Guwahati city without frequent interference of power cut due to shortage of power supply. Already NFR is heading with a success story of 2,300 kilowatts peak (kWp) within 2018-2019 fiscal year after implementation of solar energy harness project through cost effective latest technology.

NFR is fast inspiring with its Rs. 1.88 crore money saving bold energy dependent initiative to other industries depending on heavy loaded power supply to go for solar way which on futuristic point of view will definitely make Guwahati a power sufficient state.

Stations in Guwahati which solar power harnessing project are soon on completion process are like Amoni, Sonubari and Barahu. Already Guwahati station is on the mark of financial saving of Rs. 37.38 Lakh through solar power harness initiation as they do not have to look out for other energy sources to depend and make heavy expenditure.


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