Thursday 20 June 2019

Can US Provide Clue On ‘Disappearing Act Of Aircraft ‘ From Mid Of Arunachal Pradesh Altitude?

Altitudes of Himachal Pradesh, India is estimated to have the highest peak with treacherous pattern, now what differentiate it from Arunachal Pradesh’s terrain due to which Indian Airforce (IAF) had to declare the later  as a killer mountain.

IAF in the determination that no such mishap occurs in the future is taking every steps cautiously and handled the partially damaged black box of the AN-32 Flight Carrier plane to United States to find out every details intact on to it.

It might take the edgy public some more time to find out AN-32 black box’s details as IAF is expected to provide a precise detail on the issue only after being convinced about the report to be arrived from United States.


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