Monday 18 February 2019

Assam On Alert For Any Social Media Pranks On Pulwama Attack Or Derogatory Remark!

Already two people were put into the cell for publishing derogatory remark on their Facebook post at the social media which had sparked not only angry reaction from the public but had landed them in lock up as the Assam security is also in close scrutiny against such shameful activity.

On this list of derogatory remark at the social media even an Icon College female professor is absconding after getting multiple threat calls for placing her judgement on Indian security's moral though she lamented over Pulwama loss.

If a person without prior any substance against Indian security forces lashes at any public platform then they can at present could place themselves in trouble. Pulwama is an integrated mission against consequent terror attack that is weakening the system where such derogatory remark could only create dilution in the process.


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