Thursday, 10 January 2019

Second Time In A Row Sikkim Caught Under The Unexpected Hurl Of Heavy Snow, Salute To Army

Ten years after the fall of December, the second inning of winter in January, the people of Sikkim never expected heavy welcome of snow, where the unaware tourists caught badly in a trap with no hope of help when the Indian army like an invisible guardian appeared on time for their rescue.

It is for the second consecutive time that Sikkim witnessed snow trap for the unaware tourists. Especially the elderly and kids are worst affected in this attack of sudden shower of heavy snowfall. Salute to Indian army who did not back safe the trapped tourists for the second time but also gave away their  comfort zone in their camp shelter to shield them from life threatening severe weather.

Clad in heavy snow the Northeast Sikkim state appeared another world of paradise after Himachal Pradesh. Tourists have become more conscious about travelling into the Northeast, Sikkim destination due to intense change of winter climate.


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