Wednesday 15 March 2017

Arunachal Pradesh Focuses On Refugee Rights For Community Welfare And Peace

It is in the best interest of community welfare and peace of the region, Arunchal Pradesh understanding the growing issue of refugee in India arranged a two days national seminar on it at the Political Science Department of St. Francis De Sales College under Head of Department Reyom Ete where noted intellectuals and researchers from the country participated to share their views.

In this seminar on India’s refugee issues, papers and views were shared by intellectuals to understand how to safeguard the indigenous population from conflicts arising out of outsiders in their base and create peace by implementing protective laws.

On this occasion Advocate Bineesh Kumar KS of Amity University, Delhi, Reyom Ete of SFS, Aalo, Joba Riba and Hage Yamang (DPGC, Kamki), Rinki Babin of RGU, Amritnath SB, Research Scholar, Kings College London and other intellectuals emphasized on the necessity of creating a legislation to protect human rights of the refugees.

As a whole on the scenario of refugees in India, Reyom Ete of SFS highlighted on the “Status of Refugee in India: A critical analysis” whereas Praduyt Dey came up with the concept of “Refugee crisis in India and its obligation for protection”.

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