Sunday 17 July 2016

Red Hat Salute by Guinness World Record, London

 Assam’s ethnic symbol Sarudaiya Japi significant for decorative elaboration in red on bamboo hat has entered the Guinness World Record for display of it in larger version of 545.965 square meters by Subhas Medhi of Morigaon district.

This Japi was made out of enormous volume of bamboo and palm leaves. To encompass a gigantic a space of 260 feet circumference, 40 feet radius and diameter 80 feet, about 3,000 palm leaves and 1,400 bamboos went into its designing. Medhi first displayed this Jappi weighing around 10326.51 kg at Bhurbandha Playground on 25th October, 2014 with tremendous effort of the local people.

It was a tedious effort of one year by Medhi with team craft men to give a gigantic version of Japi, in the effort to promote Assam’s Cultural Heritage. Started in 2013 this gigantic Japi attempt by Medhi and completed in 2014, honored on 23rd June in 2016 by London Head Office of Guiness World Record. This young artist Medhi born in1985 at Bogoribari Bhurbandha of Morigaon district was successful in bringing laurel to Assam in his big leap to map the culture of the region globally in unique manner.

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