Tuesday 21 June 2016

International Yoga Approach for Healthy Future

In a fast paced world the concept of Yoga may not sip well but its values are realized when drastic toll takes on life due to lifestyle and environment changes, the mission International Yoga Day is approached keeping in context to these factors.

The world celebrated yoga day on June 21st, come let’s have an insight how it helps practically.

There are certain growing health issues like depression, pressure fluctuation, muscle tension, joint pain, respiratory problem, heart and lungs malfunction including many that could be solved permanently with very cost effective yoga procedures.

Beautiful body everyone vies and yoga really helps to bring out the beautiful in you both physically and spiritually. The Virabhadrasana (The Warrior Pose) yoga step enables curvy look with tight muscles, giving you a younger look with more vitality.

To embrace a beautiful life you need to make right yoga approach to keep your health in check. Savasana (The Corpse Pose) yoga step helps in multiple ways by increasing appetite, better digestion, peaceful mind and stress free life.

Overall if you want to remain stress free, cheerful, focused and energetic then try with Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) yoga step. This multiple oriented yoga art also has vital additional health benefits muscle elasticity, proper hormonal function, increases blood flow to brain, help strengthen muscle nerves including control weight loss due to hyperthyroid.

Sarvangasana yoga’s easy to follow steps are like:

Place yourself flat on the floor

Face the palms on the ground and move your legs together

Breathe deeply and move your hips while inhaling slowly.

In 30 degrees angle move your legs upward and then to 90 degrees before bringing it to flat position. Next slowly erect your body from the ground with the support of the hands.

Count 5 to 10 by holding your breath before releasing the air.

Now the point of taking yoga steps mentioned above is that if you follow even one percent of it, you will be extending your life span. A complete observation of vital yoga steps can keep your health and happiness under control. Comparatively if you think your time is precious and the medicine will do the job then only a percent of life is in your hand. Rest is on doctor's hand where if they signal cannot help then neither you can. It is in observation of unpredictable factors of life this International Yoga Day is processed in the community at large. Celebrate life everyday through yoga.

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