Friday 24 June 2016

Citizens Undertakes Govt Responsibility to Revive Greenery

Scenario of green earth going bald due to fast growing concrete infrastructures, the citizens of Assam and Northeast states are taking an effective initiative without government reliance to root out problems arising from plant deprivation.

It is difficult for common people to monitor illegal infrastructure process but by tree plantation they can surely make better changes to the greenery deprived state. In the wake of tremendous natural disaster cases the trade body Assam Chamber of Commerce (ACC) has launched this year long plantation program.

Strong support from the rest of the Northeast states poured in to contribute in this major green drive. The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)of Agartala, Aizwal, Assam and Lungrev, District Legal Service Authority including Legal Cell for Human Rights made a joint effort in this green drive by planting saplings in important areas to curtail growing eco issues.

Villagers who are the worst affected from drastic environmental changes due to fast disappearance of greenery at large are in full swing action to make the state green. So where government's commitment to protect greenery failed earlier, this major move by citizens adds more chances of rescuing the state from greater natural disaster out of sanctity of trees.

If not for long negligence on growing disappearance of greenery there would have been minimal drastic outcome from environmental changes. It is not government body but people at large are in great setback and this plantation move by the trade body of Assam along with public assistance could save the situation.

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