Monday 6 March 2017

Assam ‘Vibrant North East’s Gigantic Move To Bring All Stakeholders At One Platform For Global Networking

Vibrant North East- 2017 which Centre has positioned with joint support of its Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India along with Agriculture and Rural Development to bring all national and global stakeholders will be conducted at the core of Guwahati city’s Veterinary College Playground, Khanapara on 8th to 10th march.

It is the biggest opportunity for the regional stakeholders to expose their potentialities at global platform like Vibrant North East 2017 and look for desired partnership for business extension in desired destination. Plus to share their ideas and broaden light on the programs, products, technologies, policies and services found best in the industry, Government, institutions including development sectors.

This three day venue for major regional growth and development will bring in top exhibitors like Crop inputs and technologies, Commerce, Energy and Infrastructure, Skills, Jobs and Entrepreneurship, IT and Communication Technologies, Rural Banking and Financial Inclusion, Tea, Spices and Medicinal Plants, Agri infrastructure, processing and marketing, Horticulture and food processing, Eco, Agro and Nature Tourism, Make in North East and Made in North East including many others. 

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