Tuesday 19 July 2016

Guwahati Fishing Hub Deepor Beel under Threat!!

Fish carcasses floating on the surface water of famous Deepor Beel fishing hub is not a common sight, the reason estimated to be due to toxic inlet from nearby authority’s MSW dumping ground at Paschim Boragaon.

Main concern is that this enormous reserve of flora and fauna, living on Deepor Beel water is increasingly getting toxic due to adjacent Municipal Solid Waste ground of the authority according to the fishery extension officer.

Chayani Bordular Development Block of Kamprup, Fishery Extension Officer had sent analyzed report to RTI-cum environment activist in 2015 on toxic accumulation in Deepor Beel aquatic reserve due to growing impact of MSW ground wastages. 

Action yet not speedup up as per to the demanding toxic uplift of Deepor Beel, where today consuming aquatics like rohu, borali and catla carcasses found floating on water by Fishery Extension Officer.

Point is that even the quality of human consuming favorite aquatic bodies like sal, magur, chital, rohu, kanduli, sol and singhi fished out from Deepor Beel are deteriorating. Are our lives in threat?

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